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Visa U

Story About Our Firm

What is a U Visa?

The U Nonimmigrant Status (U Visa) is reserved for victims of certain crimes who have suffered physical or mental abuse and provide assistance to law enforcement agencies and government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activities.

The U Nonimmigrant Visa was created by Congress through the passage of the Trafficking Victims Protection and Violence Protection Act (including the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act) in October 2000.

This legislation is aimed at enhancing the law enforcement agencies’ ability to investigate and prosecute cases of domestic violence, sexual abuse, trafficking of foreigners, and other crimes. It also protects victims of such crimes who have suffered substantial mental or physical abuse as a result of these crimes and are willing to assist law enforcement authorities in the investigation and prosecution of criminal activity. The legislation also helps law enforcement agencies provide better services to crime victims.

Eligibility for U Nonimmigrant Status

  • You are the victim of a qualifying criminal act.
  • You have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of being the victim of a criminal act.
  • You have information about criminal activity. If you are under 16 years of age or unable to provide information due to a disability, your parent, guardian, or legal representative (next friend) can possess, on your behalf, the information related to the crime (refer to the glossary for the definition of "legal representative" or "next friend").
  • You were helpful, are being helpful, or are likely to be helpful to law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of the crime. If you are under 16 years of age or unable to provide information due to a disability, your parent, guardian, or legal representative (next friend) can assist law enforcement on your behalf.
  • The crime occurred in the United States or violated US law.
  • You are eligible to be admitted to the United States. If you are not eligible for admission, you can request a waiver using Form I-192, Application for Advance Permission to Enter as a Nonimmigrant.

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